JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Team (Basarnas) will start the evacuation of the victims and debries of Aviastar’s DHC-6 Twin Otter plane this morning (Oct. 6) after finding the location of the missing plane Monday (Oct. 5) afternoon.

The evacuation, according to Basarnas Chief Air marshal F. Hendry Bambang Soelistyo has been started at 6:00 am of local time.

Bambang revealed that the team has found the missing plane crushed in Gamaru hamlet, Ulu Salu village, Enrekang, South Sulawesi at around 5:00 pm of local time Monday based on a report from local residents.

As reported earlier, the missing DHC-6 Twin Otter plane belonging to the private Aviastar Mandiri airline had lost contact with air traffic controllers since last Friday (Oct. 2) during the flight from Masamba to Makassar, South Sulawesi. The plane carried three crew members and seven passengers on board.

The Ministry of Transportation has temporary banned the other Aviastar airline’s Twin Otter planes from flying for examination. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)