JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Food producer PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) Food Tbk (AISA) provides loans of Rp1 trillion for its subsidiaries, used to fund the investment and working capital.
That said subsidiares are PT Dunia Pangan, PT Jatisari Srijekei, PT Indo Beras Unggul, PT Sukses Abadi Karya Inti, PT Tani Unggul Usaha, and PT Swasembada Tani Selebes.
AISA plans to expand its rice business to Papua, including establishing rice mill, located in the food estate to be developed by the government. The development of food estate covering 1.2 million hectares area will conclude in next three years.
AISA allocates Rp6-7 trillion for rice business expansion within next five years. Currently it operates 3 units of rice mills with combined capacity of 480,000 tons per year. The company is now establishing 3 new rice mills. By 2020, AISA targets to boost its production capacity to 2 million tons per year.