JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Rembang Smelter Indonesia targets the construction of nickel smelter in Rembang, Central Java, to finish in 2016. This project costs US$60 million.

The smelter will produce 30,000 tons of nickel pig iron per year. This project belongs to a consortium of PT Semen Indonesia Rembang and PT Indoferro, member of Growth Steel Group.

The smelter needs electricity power supply of around 2×30 megawatts. While nickel materials will be supplied from Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and Halmahera.

Indoferro has iron and nickel smelter in Cilegon, West Java, producing 1 million tons of pig iron per year and 250,000 tons nickel pig iron per year.