JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Trias Sentosa Tbk (TRST), engaged in flexible packaging film manufacturing, only booked net profit of Rp4.2 billion in the first quarter of 2015, dropped significantly from Rp22.37 billion in the corresponding period of 2014.

Net sales slightly increased to Rp658.76 billion from previous Rp653.28 million. Domestic sales was Rp463.65 billion while export sales accounted for Rp195.2 billion.

TRST however only recorded other operating income of Rp1.1 billion, compared to Rp13.1 billion in the first quarter of 2014. The operating profit dropped 63.8% to Rp17.36 billion from earlier Rp47.39 billion.

Its assets reached Rp3.3 trillion while liability amounted Rp932.798 billion.