JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – State electricity comapny PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) recorded revenues of Rp116.73 trillion in first half of this year, increased 4.5% from Rp111.37 trillion in the same period of last year.

Electricity sales reached Rp71.59 trillion while electricity subsidy from government totaled Rp43.81 trillion.

Operating expenses was relatively flat, reaching Rp66.09 trillion compared to previous Rp65.55 trillion. Then operating profit totaled Rp18.39 trillion.

PLN booked comprehensive net profit of Rp4.78 trillion. PLN booked foreign exchange (forex) gain of Rp909 billion, compared to loss Rp6.74 trillion in first half of 2012. PLN recorded net profit of Rp31.09 billion in first half of 2012.

PLN’s assets totaled Rp553.76 trillion while liability amounted Rp397.74 billion. It has cash and cash equivalent of Rp19.97 trillion.