SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Interra Resources Limited, controlled by Soeryadjaya family, recorded gross production of 109,489 barrels of oil in Tanjung Miring Timur (TMT) TAC in second quarter of 2013, an increase of 210% as

compared to the previous quarter of 35,322 barrels of oil, mainly contributed by the new well TMT 53.

The four new wells completed in Q1 2013 continue to contribute to the majority of the production. The testing of additional reservoir intervals has continued in an effort to optimise and increase field production.

Four new locations have been approved and site construction has commenced with drilling on the first scheduled to begin in Q3 2013 using a contracted rig with continued “back to back” drilling.

For Linda Sele TAC, Interra’s gross production in second quarter of 2013 was 19,508 barrels of oil, an increase of 26% as compared to the previous quarter of 15,506 barrels of oil. There were three upliftings of approximately 17,512 barrels of oil during the quarter.

The second well in the drilling programme based on the new 3D seismic data interpretation was completed as an oil well in Q2 2013.

Additional reservoir zones are scheduled for testing in Q3 2013 with the aim of optimising and increasing production from this well. The two additional wells which have been approved for 2013 drilling will be postponed until 2014 so as to optimise the use of a contracted rig, especially with respect to the possibility of drilling more than two.

For exploration activities in Kuala Pambuang PSC, the acquisition of the approximately 245 line kilometres of 2D seismic data is awaiting approvals from various government agencies.