SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Kupang Resources Ltd reported that Kupang Joint Venture (in which the Company holds a 55% interest) has received formal notification from the DKPM that it has recommended approval for the newly coined IUPOPK permit encompassing processing, stockpiling, sales and transport.

This is the last step in the process to obtaining an export quota and allows Kupang JV to trade and process manganese ore from anywhere on West Timor.

Following the granting of this permit the granting of an export quota is a formality and dependance on the Company providing its intended production and shipment schedules for authorities to authorize.

The Kupang Project is located in (Kupang) West Timor, in the Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), a region well known globally as a source of Manganese ore.

Under the Joint Operation Agreement (announced 20 February 2013), the Kupang Project Joint Venture intends to export Manganese product using it’s dedicated 80,000t/month berth capacity and wholly owned direct ship loading equipment.