JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Constitutional Court (MK) has fully rejected the judicial review (JR) request on the Anti-Money Laundering Law No. 8/2010 filed by former MK Chief Justice Akil Mochtar, who is now graft and money laundering convict.

As the consequences, the court verdict allows the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to remain investigate money laundering case.

Two out of nine MK Justices, Aswanto and Maria Farida Indrati, however, made the dissenting opinions. Both Aswanto and Maria viewed that the MK should grant Akil’s judicial review request.

As reported earlier, Akil filed a judicial review request on Law 8/2010 to the Consitutional Court back in Aug. 11, 2014. At that time, Akil’s lawyer Adardam Achyar said his client demanded the Court to revoke eight articles in the Anti-Money Laundering Law that alleged of violating the sense of justice and the 1945 Constitution.

Akil Mochtar, the 54-year-old former Golkar Party lawmaker, has been punished with a life sentence after proven guilty for committing corruption and money laundering acts related to post-election disputes in fifteen regencies.

According to panel of judges of the Jakarta Corruption Court, Akil was proven of taking bribes and gifts worth up to Rp57 billion in connection with post-election disputes in fifteen regencies during his term as Constitutional Court Justice. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)