JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) have submitted five potential candidates for becoming the new Chief of the National Police to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo should the President decide to cancel Budi Gunawan’s swearing in.

M Nasser, a Commissioner of the Kompolnas, said that five potential candidates of new Police Chief have been submitted to President Jokowi during their meeting at the State Palace last week.

Nasser, however, has yet revealed the names of that five new Police Chief candidates. But media already speculated that five new Police Chief candidates are Badrodin Haiti, Dwi Prayitno, Putut Eko Bayuseno, Anang Iskandar, and Budi Waseso.

In a different place, Adrianus Meliala, another Komponas’ Commissioner confirmed that President Jokowi would not install Budi Gunawan as new Police Chief. Adrianus, who is also lecturer at University of Indonesia (UI), revealed the President already told the Kompolnas about the cancelation of Budi Gunawan’s nomination since last week during their meeting at the State Palace.

The confirmation about President Jokowi’s upcoming decision to cancel Budi Gunawan’s nomination earlier also came from Syafii Maarif and Jimly Asshiddiqie, members of Nine Team established by Jokowi to resolve KPK-Police conflict. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)