JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Indonesia’ export value reached US$13.62 billion in November 2014, declined 11.29% from US$15.35 billion in October 2014. Compared to November 2013, the figure also fell 14.57%.

Non oil and gas export declined 10.64% to US$11.51 billion from US$12.88 billion in previous month. Compared to November 2013, the figure fell 12.62%.

Export non oil and gas to China reached US$1.35 billion, followed by Japan US$1.24 billion, and United States US$1.18 billion. Export to European Union totaled US$1.28 billion.

For January-November 2014 period, the export totaled US$161.67 billion, declined 2.36% from the same period of 2013. Non oil and gas export also declined 1.95% to US$133.69 billion.

While Indonesia’s import value reached US$14.04 billion in November 2014, declined 8.39% from US$15.33 billion in previous month. Compared to November 2013, the figure fell 7.31%.

Import of non oil and gas reached US$10.57 billion, declined 10.06% from U$S11.75 billion in previous month. Compared to November 2013, the figure dropped 5.73%.

Indonesia then posted trade deficit of US$42 million in November 2014, compared to trade surplus of US$23.2 million in October 2014.