JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Standard Chartered Bank and Dubai International Financial Centre provide US$100 million loan to PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk (TELE), used to fund its business development. The loan agreement was signed in December 18, 2014 with tenor of 6 months.

State construction firm PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT) will get loan of Rp850 billion from Lembaga Pembiayaan Export Indonesia (LPEI), used to fund its toll
road projects, Pejagan-Pemalang section. The loan agreement will be signed today
(Dec 23).

Meanwhile, PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk (MAYA) plans to issue 434.78 million new shares through preemptive rights scheme, representing 11.11% of its enlarged capital, priced at Rp1150 per share, to raise total proceeds of Rp500 billion.