JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Content provider PT Intermedia Capital Tbk (MDIA), parent of free-to-air TV station ANTV, plans to build 8 studios within next 2 months with investment cost of Rp 400billion, Bisnis Indonesia reported this morning.

MDIA intends to produce more inhouse broadcasting programs. Of 8 studios, 4 studios will be used by Bakri Group, Intermedia Capital and PT Visi Media Asia Tbk (VIVA), parent company of MDIA which operates ANTV and TVOne.

MDIA has raised Rp390.74 billion from offering shares through IPO at March 28, 2014. MDIA claims ANTV tv shares now reaches 10.2%, compared to 6.7% last year.

MDIA targets to book revenue of Rp969.18 billion this year, a 16% growth compared to Rp835.5 billion last year. It booked net profit of Rp165.19 billion in the first half of 2014 on revenues of Rp576.27 billion.

Last year, MDIA booked net profit of Rp118.9 billion, jumped 173.33% from Rp43.5 billion in 2012.