TOKYO (Yosefardi) – ORIX Corporation, a leading integrated financial services group, has entered into a business cooperation agreement with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BBNI)Tbk to support the business development of Japanese companies in Indonesia.

“It is the first time BNI has entered into a business cooperation agreement with a Japanese financial institution involved in the leasing business in Indonesia,” Orix said this week.

Japan is one of the largest investors in Indonesia with interest in automotive, retail, food, oil & gas, engineering, etc. PT Orix Indonesia, meanwhile, is the first leasing company in Indonesia.

“Through this business cooperation agreement, ORIF and BNI will engage in business matching by mutual introduction of customers and seek mutual expansion of their businesses by providing financial services centered on leasing to Japanese customers of BNI. In addition, ORIX will cooperate with Japanese financial institutions who are partners of BNI to support the expansion of mainly Japanese SMEs into Indonesia,” Orix added.