SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – DBS Group Holdings Ltd has today successfully priced the issue of US$ 750 million fixed rate senior notes due 2019 and US$ 500 million floating rate senior notes due 2019, a combined US$1.25 billion.

This is part of DBS Bank Ltd. and DBS Group Holdings Ltd’s USD 15 billion Global Medium Term Note Program, updated in March 2014.

The Fixed Rate Notes will bear a semi-annual fixed coupon of 2.246% and the Floating Rate Notes will bear a quarterly coupon of 3-month USD LIBOR + 0.50%.

The settlement date of both series of the Notes is expected to be 16 July 2014.

The issue of the Notes attracted strong interest, with a combined order book exceeding USD 3 billion, or over two times subscribed, and was comprised of mainly real money accounts.

DBS Group Holdings Ltd has mandated DBS as Sole Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner, and Citi, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs as Joint Bookrunners for the issuance of the Notes.