JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutors on Monday (June 30) demanded the panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court to charge Andi Alfian Mallarangeng, former Minister of Youth & Sports and former politician from President SBY’s Democratic Party, a 10 years imprisonment for allegation of receiving bribes in the Hambalang Sports Center project scandal.

KPK’s prosecutors also demanded the panel of judges to order Andi to pay Rp300 million in fine or a six month imprisonment if he failed to pay the fine and to pay Rp2.5 billion in restitution to the state to cover the state losses.

According to KPK’s prosecutors, the court must seize Andi’s wealth if he failed to pay the restitution and if later Andi’s wealth seized by the court is not sufficient to pay the restitution, then Andi must spend an additional two years in jail.

According to KPK’s prosecutors, Andi had received US$550,000 fee from Deddy Kusdinar (former Chief of Financial and Internal Affairs Bureau at the Ministry of Youth & Sports) through his brother, Andi Zulkarnain Mallarangeng aka Choel Mallarangeng.

KPK prosecutor team also said Andi had received Rp4 billion fee from PT Global Daya Manunggal, the sub-contractor of the project, also through Choel.

Andi Mallarangeng had been actually named as suspect since December 6, 2012 in a high-profile Hambalang graft case. He had been detained by KPK since October 17, 2013. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)