JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Investors recollected shares related to MNC Group, controlled by Harry Tanoesoedibjo, this morning trade after their recent corrections.

Global Mediacom (BMTR) surged 8.24% to Rp2,300 per share. The stock had fallen 17% from its pick year to date.

Media Nusantara Citra (MNCN) rose 2.3% to Rp3,325, gaining 41% year to date. However the stock declined 7.6% from its pick of Rp3,600.

MNC Sky Vision (MSKY) also jumped 6.74% to Rp2,375, but losing 18% year to date.

MNC SKy targets to book revenue of Rp3.2 trillion this year, a 33% rise compared to Rp2.4 trillion in 2012.

Bhakti Investama gained 4.55% to Rp460. BHIT fell 19% year to date.

MNC Kapital (BCAP) and MNC Land (KPIG) rose 3.3% and 0.8% respectively. Indonesia Air Transport (IATA) climbed 7.9%.

Stock market participants are now watching the prospect of Haryy Tanoesoedibjo’s vice presidential bid in next year’s election. This has raised question about potential risks on his business.

MNC Group also plans to acquire 100% shares of ANTV.