JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Minister for state-owned enterprises (SoE) Dahlan Iskan re-appointed Ignasius Jonan as president director of state-owned railway company PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) for the second term.

Dahlan said Jonan was re-appointed as he has successfully made the better achievement for PT KAI. Under his command, today’s PT KAI is in many ways a far better enterprise than it was before.

Under Jonan’s management, the once unprofitable PT KAI is now a good business with the net profit of Rp400 billion a year. Jonan has managed to keep PT KAI profitable for the past five years.

Jonan graduated from Haas School of Business at Colombia University and later Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Dahlan also appointed Slamet Suseno as commercial director of PT KAI, replacing Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito who enters his retirement period.