JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Retailer PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF) targets to open 15 new outlets this year, located in some areas including Jakarta and Kalimantan.

The company also plans to expand its outlet room space by 7,400 m2 in Artha Graha mall, East Jakarta, targeted to complete by end of May.

Matahari Dept Stores, which currently operates 125 outlets, booked net profit of Rp1.16 trillion in 2013, grew by 49% from Rp771 billion in 2012.

Its revenues rose 20.2% to Rp6.75 trillion from earlier Rp5.62 trillion. LPPF’s assets totaled Rp2.94 trillion while liability amounted Rp3.72 trillion.