JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – National banks booked profit of Rp106.7 trillion in 2013, grew by 14.9% from Rp92.83 trillion in 2012. Total credits reached Rp3,319 trillion, a 21.7% rise compared to Rp2,725 trillion in 2012.

Net interest income reached Rp243.05 trillion, grew by 17% from previous Rp207.56 trillion. While operating profit, exluding interest income, totaled Rp139.65 trillion, compared to earlier Rp125.55 trillion.

Third party funds totaled Rp3,663 trillion, up 13.5% from Rp3,225 trillion in 2012. Loan to deposit ratio (LDR) was 89.7% and capital adequacy ratio (CAR) stood at 18.13%.

The national banks’ assets also increased 15.9% to Rp4,773 trillion from Rp4,115 trillion in 2012.

Meanwhile, state banks booked net profit of Rp48.76 trillion last year, almost represents half of national banks’ profit. Credits rose 23.43% to Rp1,187.4 trillion, compared to Rp961.99 trillion in 2012. Third party funds also grew by 13.45% to Rp1,363 trillion.

The said state banks are PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI), PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI), PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI), and PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BBTN).

Finance ministry is now studying the proposal of state banks to cut dividend payment to government or shareholders, from current 30% dividend payout ratio to 25%.