JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Police arrested young actor and model Roger Danuarta at his car on Sunday night for using drugs.

The police found and seized 1.5 gram of heroin, 15.7 gram of marijuana, a syringe, and papir or paper cigarette to roll marijuana.

East Jakarta Police Chief Sr. Comr. Mulyadi Kaharni this morning confirmed the arrest of Roger who is now detained at Pulogadung Police office.

Mulyadi said Roger will be charged with article 111 and article 112 juncto article 127 of the Narcotics Law No. 35/2009 with maximum punishment of 12 years in jail.

Police is now hunting a man identified with initial M who reportedly supplied the drugs to Roger. Roger reportedly admitted he had consumed drugs. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)