JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Property developer PT Modernland Realty Tbk (MDLN) had in November 15, 2013 signed the loan facility agreement amounting US$45 million with Standard Chartered Singapore and Standard Chartered Jakarta.

MDLN has last month signed agreement with Citi, UBS, and Nomura for the company’s US$150 million 11% Notes, part of the proposed US$300 million 10% Notes approved by shareholders.

The company booked net profit of Rp721.63 billion in first nine months of this year, soared 337% from Rp165.88 billion in the same period of last year. Net sales jumped 94% to Rp1.33 trillion from previous Rp688.47 billion. Its assets totaled Rp5.13 trillion while liability amounted Rp2.18 trillion. The company has cash and cash equivalent of Rp460 billion.