JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Central Java High Prosecutor Office has just named Rina Iriani, Regent of Karanganyar in Central Java, as suspect in a graft case related to the public housing’s subsidy fund to the Karanganyar Cooperative from 2007 to 2012, causing state loses of up to Rp18.4 billion.

Rina Iriani adds the list of 309 regional leaders who have reportedly been named as graft suspects until November 2013.

The Chief of the Central Java High Prosecutor Office Babul Khoir Harahap also said that his office has asked the Immigration Office to ban Regent Rina from overseas travel. He said Rina allegedly has received Rp11.1 billion from corruption.

Rina has served as Karanganyar Regent for two periods (2003-2008 and 2008-2011). Latest, Rina and her running mate won the 2008 local election with support from a coalition of political parties led by PDI-P. while other parties in the coalition were PAN, PKS, and some small parties. Rina, however, is not PDI-P politician. Rina’s name had previously been tipped as one governor candidate of Central Java considered by President SBY’s Democratic Party before the party finally decided to support incumbent Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo.

Rina was reported as the second richest local official in Central Java province with Rp52 billion in asset. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)