JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Shares of Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) dropped 3.85% to Rp250 this morning, but has rebounded 127% from its bottom. The stock however still lost 40% from its peak year to date.

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has recently questioned the real representation of Sandra A. Triyana, on behalf of ownership of Bumi Resources (BUMI), at BRMS.

IDX also halted trading in shares of BUMI, BRMS, and Bakrieland Development (ELTY) in October 10, 2013 BUMI’s disclosure on debt agreement with China Investment Corporation (CIC) for unpaid principal debt of US$1.3 billion. But trading on these 3 stocks were resumed October 18, 2013.

Other coal stocks, BUMI gained 1%, Berau Coal increased 0.5%, while Adaro Energy fell 1.79%.