JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Indonesia Eximbank, also known as the Export Financing Agency (LPEI), booked net profit of Rp652.2 billion in first 9 months to September of this year, grew by 11.37% from Rp585.62 billion for whole year of 2012.

The bank disbursed loan of Rp36.66 trillion during the period, a 57.75% jump compared to Rp24 trillion in the same period of last year. It’s loan disbursement totaled Rp27.05 trillion in 2012.

Eximbank’s assets totaled Rp43.98 trillion as of September this year. The bank has last month secured syndicated loan of US$200 million, provided by some foreign banks. The loan will have tenor of 3 years and is expected to carry interest rate of 2.31%.

LPEI has also bond facility of Rp1.29 trillion to be issued until March 2014. Media has reported LPEI targets to issue bond worth Rp7.8 trillion in 2013 this year, consisting of rupiah bond amounting Rp3 trillion and global bond amounting US$500 million (equivalent Rp4.8 trillion).