NEW YORK (Yosefardi) – Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) reported the total cigarette market of 74.1 billion units for Indonesia operation in third quarter of this year, increased by 0.3%.

PMI’s shipment volume in the quarter totaled 27.1 billion units, increased by 1.6%. Its market share increased by 0.4 points to 36.6%, driven notably by machine-made, Low Tar Low Nicotine (LTLN) Sampoerna A in the premium segment, up by 0.6 points to 14.8%, and machine-made, LTLN mid-price U Mild, up by 0.9 points to 4.3%.

Market share of the hand-rolled, full-flavor Dji Sam Soe in the premium segment decreased by 1.4 points to 6.7%, mainly due to a retail price change ahead of competition.

Marlboro’s market share increased by 0.5 points to 5.4% and its share of the “white” cigarettes segment, representing 7.0% of the total cigarette market, increased by 5.7 points to 77.8%.