HONG KONG (Yosefardi) – China Hanking Holdings Limited, through its controlling subsidiaries in Indonesia, – PT Karyatama Konawe Utara and PTKonutara Sejati – delivered the first shipment of laterite nickel ore sold, amounting to 47,200 wet tons. The vessel reached Rizhao Port in China on 6 October 2013.

The company issued an announcement on 27 June 2013, announcing that on the basis of the existing 351 million tons of nickel laterite resources, the Indonesian Project Companies recorded additional proven, indicated and inferred nickel ore resources of 90.54 million tons at an average grade of 0.79% of Ni and 50.27% of TFe.

The first shipment of laterite nickel ore arrived in China’s port smoothly, demonstrating the economic value of the above-mentioned additional nickel resources. It is expected that the Indonesian Project Companies will gradually increase the production and sales volumes of laterite nickel ore.