JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Constitutional Court has just received a coffin symbolizing people anger following the disclose of bribery cases related in the handling of post elections disputes which dragged the dismissed Constitutional Court Chief Justice Akil Mochtar as suspect.

The coffin arrived at the Court’s building in Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, at around 3:30 pm of Jakarta time, Friday (October 11). The coffin was sent from Surakarta, Central Java by someone identified as Bambang Saptono.

Bambang Saptono, who is known as a local artist in Surakarta, wrote a message on the coffin that says, “Executed Corrupt Law Enforcer”.

As reported by local media, Bambang has earlier staged a protest in Bunderan Gladak, Surakarta with the coffin is now put at the Court’s building. Bambang reportedly sent the coffin from the Surakarta Postal office on Tuesday.

The public trust to the Constitutional Court, the highest judiciary court in the country, has been crashed following the arrest of the dismissed Chief Justice Akil Mochtar by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

KPK, now, opened for the possible involvement of other Constitutional Court Judges in this case. KPK will soon summon two Constitutional Court Judges, Maria Farida Indrati and Anwar Usman, for a session of examination. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)