JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is expected to question the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M Gaffar in an examination session on Friday (October 11) in graft cases related in the handling of post elections disputes which dragged the dismissed Constitutional Court Chief Justice Akil Mochtar as suspect.

According to KPK’s Spokesperson Johan Budi SP,  Janedjri will be examined as witness for Akil Mochtar. KPK believed that Janedjri has key informations.

Back in June 2011, Janedjri along with Akil Mochtar’s predecessor, Mahfud MD, revealed about attempted bribery committed by Muhammad Nazaruddin, at that time served as Treasurer of President SBY’s Democratic Party, by delivering cash money US$120,000 to Janedjri.

KPK earlier has examined Akil’s secretary Yuana Sisilia in a session on Thursday. Besides Janedjri and Yuana, KPK has been still trying to summon two Constitutional Court Judges, Maria Farida Indrati and Anwar Usman. Both Maria and Usman are members of panel of judges when Akil led the Constitutional Court trial over the disputed Gunung Mas regency and Lebak regency elections.

KPK Chief Abraham Samad recently said that the Commission opened for the possible involvement of other Constitutional Court Judges in this case. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)