JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Integrated infrastructure company PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (META) expects to book profit before tax of Rp161 billion in third quarter of this year, a 402% jump from Rp32.1 billion in the same period of last year.

The company, owned by Rajawali and Bosowa groups, recorded revenue of Rp220.1 billion, grew 10.36% from previous Rp199.5 billion.

Toll road business is remain the largest contributor for the company’s revenue, alongwith the improving economy and growing vehicle population.

Currently META is working on 4 toll road sections projects; Bosowa Marga Nusantara (Makassar), JORR section W1 (Kebon Jeruk-Penjaringan), Section 6 JTSE (Makassar), and Pondok Aren-Serpong (BSD) toll section. BSD toll contributed 60% of META’s revenue.