JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Serasi Autoraya Tbk (TRAC), a car rental and used car sales company, booked net profit of Rp100.79 billion in first half of this year, fell 28% from Rp138.93 billion in the same period of last year.

Net revenue increased 4.9% to Rp3.2 trillion from previous Rp3.05 trillion. Cost of revenue reached Rp2.525 trillion, then gross profit was Rp678.12 billion.

Its assets totaled Rp7.72 trillion while liability amounted Rp6.39 trillion. In July 2013, the company had paid principal installments of bonds issued in 2011 and 2012 amounting Rp185 billion and Rp160 billion respectively.

On 10 July 2013, the company issued 250 million new shares with par value of Rp1,000 per share, thus increasing the company’s issued and fully paid capital to Rp460 billion.