JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Indonesian forensic expert dr. Abdul Mun’im Idries, 66-year-old, had passed away early Friday (September 27) due to pancreas cancer. Previously, he had received intensive medical treatment for two weeks at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM).

“Yes, he died at around 2:32 am of Jakarta time,” said one forensic doctor at the RSCM Hospital, Friday.

Kiswati, the widow of the late Mun’im Idries, explained that her husband was just diagnosed with pancreas cancer and took a surgery to remove the cancer.

Born in Pekalongan, Central Java on May 25, 1947, Mun’im Idries was graduated from the respected Medical School of University of Indonesia in 1971. He then obtained his specialist degree in forensic in 1979 from the same university.

Mun’im Idries, during his life, worked at the forensic unit of the RSCM Hospital in Salemba, Central Jakarta and also lecturer at Medical School of University of Indonesia.

Mun’im have handled some death cases of popular names including;

1. Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia
2. Brutal murder of fashion model Dietje Budiasih Budimulyono (1986)
3. Victims of mysterious shootings, called as Petrus, (mid 1980) during New Order Regime of the late President Soeharto
4. The case of Siswanto (popularly known as Robot Gedek), who sodomized and killed a number of street children in 1997
5. The cases of dozens of women raped during the May 1998 riots in the capital city Jakarta
6. The murder case of Marthadinata, also known as Ita, in 1999
7. Trisakti shooting tragedy during the deadly May 1998 riots, killing four students from Trisakti University
8. Semanggi shooting tragedy during the deadly riots in 1998 & 1999 at the nearby Semanggi cloverleaf, killing 14 people including eight university students
9. The rape-murder case of female labor activist Marsinah in 1993, where her badly mutilated body was found on May 9, 1993, in an abandoned shack near Nganjuk, East Java
10. The murder of CEO PT Rajawali Putra Banjaran Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, shot to death in March 2009. The case made Antasari Azhar, former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), as a convict. The Court sentenced Antasari with 18 years in prison even though later people doubted that he was the master mind of the murder. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)