JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Triputra Agro Persada plans to build biofuel plant next year with capacity of 10,000 tons per year, Kontan.co.id reported.

The project is expected to cost US$12-15 million. The company is now with government of Indonesia pruducing the concept for biofuel business given current low consumption in the country. Only state oil and gas company PT Pertamina absorbes biofuel products in the country.

Other problem is the producers prefer to export biofuel products as export price is high.

For crude palm oil (CPO) business, Triputra targets to produce 350,000 tons to 400,000 tons this year, compared to 281,000 tons in 2012.

The group also targets net revenues to grow by 6.14% to Rp3.11 trillion, from Rp2.93 trillion in 2012.