JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI) sold 96,400 tons of crude palm oil (CPO) in August 2013, fell 27% from 132,000 tons in previous month. Compared to August 2012, the figure only inched down 0.9%.

For January to August 2013, AALI’s CPO sales volume increased by 12.4% totalling 980,591 tons, compared to the same period last year which reach 872,088 tons.

CPO sales is dominated by local market, reaching 98.4% from total sales. Meanwhile, kernel sales volume increased by 72.8%, totalling 208,574 tons.

AALI’s averaged CPO selling price was Rp7,035 per kilogram last month, lower than Rp7,529 in August 2012. During last year, AALI’s CPO selling price reached its lowest at Rp6,090 per kilogram in December.

At 13.47 pm, Jakarta time, AALI was traded flat at Rp19,350 per share.