JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG), unit of Bakrie Group, acquired 41% participating interest in Tonga block for US$41.7 million.
Imam Agustino, ENRG’s president director, said the company obtained more participating interest in Tonga block through acquiring PT Capitalink Investment Tbk (MTFN) and PT Capital Petroline, units of Recapital Group controlled by Rosan P Roeslani, Sandiaga S Uno, and Elvin Ramli.
With additional participating interest acquired, now ENRG controls 94.28% of Tonga block, located in North Sumatera with 3.54 million barrel proven oil reserves and 61 million barrel prospective oil resources. (hans@theindonesiatoday.com)