JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Dyandra Media International Tbk (DYAN), controlled by Kompas Gramedia Group, allocates Rp550 billion fund for hotel business expansion next year, Investor Daily reported this morning.

The company plans to build 11 hotels in 2014, with investment cost of Rp330-550 billion. Through Graha Santika Dyandra, Kompas Gramedia Group ownes and operates 7 hotels including Hotel Santika Premiere, Hotel Santika and Amaris. Kompas Gramedia is known ‘king of medium and small hotels’.

Dyandra targets its property business segment to contribute 50% to total revenue next year. It targets to book revenues of Rp998 billion this year, a 60% growth compared to Rp624 billion in 2012.

Dyandra is a holding company, engaged in exhibition industry.