JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Constitutional Court granted judicial review annulment filed by Awaluddin. The petitioner previously disputed Law No 7/1978 regarding President, VP, former President and former VP Financial Right.

“Granted the applicant’s annulment registered with No 76/PUU-XI/2013. The applicant is also losing his right to file judicial review of Law No 7/1978,” said Constitutional Judge Akil Mochtar.

Previously Awaluddin, represented by his lawyer Bambang Gatot Suchayo, objected the state‘s obligation to bear President, VP, and the former presidents and VP’s allowance. He requests the Constitutional Court to annul related article from the regulation.

Given the state’s mounting debt and the high level of poverty, the state should retract the rights to financially provide President, VP and their predecessors, he argues.

Awaluddin also said, referred to the article 34 of the Constitutional, the state has an obligation to take care of the poor and neglected children. (indrab@yosefardi.biz)