JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – About 3710 residents have been evacuated following the eruption of Sinabung volcano in Karo Regency, North Sumatra province.
“They are sheltered in five locations,” said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of PR and information center of the National Agency for Natural Disaster Mitigation (BNPB) Sunday, September 15.
Sutopo confirmed that all of the residents are in good condition and that no casualties reported from the eruption.
This is not the first eruption of Sinabung. Three years ago, the volcano forced around 12,000 residents to leave their homes.
Volcanolive.com reported the 2010 eruption was the first after 400 years of inactivity. An eruption column 5000 m high drifted southeast back then.
This time, September 15, the volcano’s activity is dominated by thick white gas emission, rising an average height of 50 meter. Mt Sinabung’s crater is about 2,451 meters above the sea level.