JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) ??? Prosecutor from the antigraft commission (KPK) charges that Miranda Goeltom, former senior governor of Bank Indonesia and graft suspect, is guilty of bribing some lawmakers to smoothen out her bid for Bank Indonesia senior deputy governor in 2004. The prosecutor demands Jakarta Corruption Court to sentence her four years prison.

Miranda was also demanded to pay Rp150 million in fines, which can be replaced with additional 4 months jail time.

The prosecutor team stated that Miranda, by herself or along with graft convict Nunun Nurbaeti, has distributed 480 traveler cheques to lawmakers of 1999-2004 period amounting Rp24 billion. The Bank International Indonesia (BII) traveler cheques were given related to her fit and proper test as candidate for senior deputy governor of Bank Indonesia in 2004.

KPK charged her with article 5 paragraph 1 b or article 13 of corruption law. Article 5 paragraph 1 b of Law No 20/2001 said that everyone gives something to civil servant due to his/her authority and which contradicts with his/her duty, could be punished with a maximum 5 years prison.

Several lawmakers such as Hamka Yamdu, Dudhie Makmun Murod, Endin Soefihara, and Udju Djuhaeri have been sentenced guilty receiving bribe on the Miranda???s election process. Nunun Nurbaeti, wife of lawmaker Adang Daradjatun, was also found guilty delivering the ???gratitude gift??? and got 2.5 years imprisonment.

Miranda was expected to reveal the mastermind of the graft case implicating dozens of legislators, in front of the judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court. However until now, the trial yet to mention any new names of the high profile case. (indra@theindonesiatoday.com)