JAKARTA (Yosefardi) –The anti money laundering body PPATK has submitted report of graft suspect Rudi Rubiandini’s suspicious transaction to The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Agus Santoso, PPATK deputy, revealed that the audit report was handed over in order to assist KPK’s effort in investigating the suspended SKK Migas’ suspended chief.

Agus mentioned that his institution found number of suspicious transactions, however he refused to mention any detail. “I cannot mention the specific thing (of the report),” said Agus on Sep. 2, 2013.

Underlined that PPATK will be always ready to assist KPK, Agus hopes that KPK could accelerate the investigation after receiving the report. “We are coordinating, so that it will be faster,” Agus added.

In the related development, KPK is scheduled to examine Rudi’s driver Asep Toni and security officer in the Rudi’s official residence in Brawijaya Street, South Jakarta. Three of them will be examined as witnesses.