JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – After months of speculations, the government has finally raised the price of subsidized gasoline by 44% to Rp6,500 per liter effective June 22, 2013.

Subsidized diesel fuel, meanwhile, is raised 22% to Rp5,500 per liter, also effective June 22, 2013. The new price

Announcing the fuel price hike were Jero Wacik (energy minister), Hatta Rajasa (coordinating minister for the economy), Chatib Basri (finance minister, Dahlan Iskan (state-owned enterprises minister), etc.

Following the fuel price hike, the government will also start distributing direct cash assistance to lower income group of the society (Rp150,000 per month per family for four consecutive months) and Rp250 million per village.

Gas stations across the country were flocked with people filling their cars and motorcycles with fuels prior to the new price becomes effective.