JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Multipolar Tbk (MLPL), member of Lippo Group, booked net profit of Rp 1.59 trillion in first half of this year, compared to Rp92 billion in the same period of last year. MLPL booked gain of Rp1.24 trillion from selling 4.4% stake in PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF).

Multipolar’s solid growth in the period was supported by strong growth of hypermarket, department store, and information technology (IT) business.

The group’s revenues and gross profit reached Rp6.63 trillion and Rp1.28 trillion rexpectively, grew by 16% and 21% each. In first half of 2012, the group booked revenue of Rp5.7 trillion and gross profit of Rp1.06 trillion.

In retail sector, PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (MPPA), through Hypermart, Foodmart and Boston Health & Beauty, reported sales of Rp5.45 trillion and net profit of Rp222 billion in first half of this year, grew by 10% and 164% respectively.

In same period of 2012, MPPA’s sales and net profit reached Rp4.97 trillion and Rp84 billion each. MPPA opened 6 new outlets during first half of this year, making a total of 86 outlets. It will open another 14 outlets in second half of this year.

Temasek had in May 2013 completed acquisition of 26.1% MPPA shares from public, then Temasek is now a strategic partner for Multipolar in MPPA. MLPL holds 50.2% stake in MPPA, the second largest hypermart operator in Indonesia with market share of 32%.

Meanwhile LPPF booked gross sales of Rp5.16 trillion, grew by 20% from Rp4.32 trillion in first half of 2012, while net sales jumped 23% to Rp2.74 trillion from previous Rp2.23 trillion. LPPF booked net profit of Rp265 billion, surged 69% from Rp157 billion a year earlier. MLPL holds 20.5% stake in LPPF, largest department store operator in the country with 33% market share.

In IT sector, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT) booked net profit of Rp16.8 billion, grew by 42% from previous Rp11.8 billion. (yohanneso@yosefardi.biz)