JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – More Cabinet members of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has been dragged into investigation of graft cases.

Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi is now mentioned for graft allegation in the procurement project of electronic citizen ID (e-KTP), a project worth Rp5.8 trillion under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Muhammad Nazaruddin, graft convict and former Treasurer of President SBY’s Democratic Party, revealed that Gamawan had received fee from the project.

Nazaruddin added that Gamawan’s brother also received fee from the project. Nazaruddin, however, has yet revealed the amount of fee received by Gamawan and his brother.

“How much (fee) that Minister of Home Affairs received from e-KTP project, let KPK to explain  later.. So, if Pak Mendagri (Gamawan Fauzi) called me liar, let it be proved later like Anas,” said Nazaruddin confidently on Thursday (Aug 29).

Nazaruddin also revealed others name who have received fees from the project, including Setya Novanto (Treasurer of Golkar Party and as well as Head Faction of Golkar at the Parliament) and Anas Urbaningrum (former Chairman of Democratic Party), who is claimed by Nazaruddin as the main actor.

Other names mentioned by Nazaruddin are Melchias Marcus Mekeng (Golkar lawmaker), Olly Dondokambey (PDI-P lawmaker), Mirwan Amir (Democratic Party lawmaker), Andi Saptinus, Dian Anggraeni (Secretary General of Home Ministry), Sugiarto (commitment maker official/PPK), Drajat Wisnu S (Head Tender Committee of e-KTP project), Chairuman Harahap (Golkar lawmaker), Ganjar Pranowo PDI-P lawmaker), and Arief Wibowo (PDI-P lawmaker).

Gamawan, meanwhile, has denied all rumors and accusations against him launched by Nazaruddin.

Gamawan is not the first Cabinet member dragged by graft case. Previously, other graft cases also dragged members of SBY’s Cabinet including Andi Alfian Mallarangeng, former Minister of Sports, who was named as graft suspect in the sport center Hambalang case.

Latest, KPK is eyeing its investigation into Jero Wacik, Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources, related to Rudi Rubiandini case and other graft allegations in West Madura Block and Mahakam Block extension. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)