JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Exit polls released by several polling agencies pointed to the victory of incumbent Governor Soekarwo in East Java gubernatorial election, Thursday (Aug 29).

According to the exit polls, Soekarwo won the race with 46.6-47.97% votes. Soekarwo re-entered the race with supports from a big coalition of 30 political parties led by President SBY’s Democratic Party. Other parties are Golkar, PKS, PAN, Gerindra, PPP, and Hanura.

Trailing behind is Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the strongest contender of Soekarwo. But Khofifah, in a press conference, claimed that she won the election. According to Khofifah, the real count conducted by her party, PKB, pointed to her victory with 44% votes, beating Soekarwo in the second position with 38.47% votes.

Two other contenders, Bambang DH endorsed by PDI-P and independent candidate Eggy Sudjana, have failed to secure significant votes.

Here are the following results:

Indonesia Research Center (IRC): Soekarwo (47.36%), Khofifah Indar Parawansa (37.28%), Bambang DH (12.92%), and Eggy Sudjana (2.44%)

Indonesia Survey Circle (LSI):Soekarwo (47.97%), Khofifah Indar Parawansa (37.74%), Bambang DH (11.92%), and Eggy Sudjana (2.37%)

Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC): Soekarwo (46.6%), Khofifah Indar Parawansa (37.63%), Bambang DH (13.4%), and Eggy Sudjana (2.37%)

The real final results of the election, however, would be still waiting to the final results of the official counting conducted by the East Java Election Commission (KPUD). (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)