JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – No need to suffer tiring legal process for PT Lion Mentari Airlines (Lion Air) as the tort lawsuit filed against the airlines company was revoked by the plaintiff PT Kharissa Permai Holiday. The withdrawal also prevents lion air from hundred of billion compensation requested by the plaintiff.

Ngurah Anditya Ari Firnanda, lawyer of the plaintiff, revealed that his client requested to discontinue the litigation process.

However, the lawyer cannot explain why the lawsuit was revoked, even before both parties entered the mediation process. “The client wants it is withdrawn, but did not explain why,” said Ngurah, as quoted by Bisnis Indonesia on Aug. 28, 2013.

Previously Kharissa Permai filed a lawsuit to the Central Jakarta District Court against lion air. The travel bureau seek for US$104,285 material compensation, excluding accommodation, and Rp100 billion for immaterial
loss. Kharissa accused Lion Air has committed of acting against the law after the airlines called off a Jakarta – Jeddah flight scheduled on May 30, 2013.

The cancellation made Kharissa failed to fly 91 customers for Islamic religious trip so-called Umrah with total ticket costing US$98,220. The travel agent claimed that Lion Air has violated Ministry of Transportation Regulation No 77/2011 regarding the flight cancellation.

As the lawsuit filed on Jun. 17, 2013, both parties were previously scheduled to enter mediation process on Aug. 28, 2013. (indrab@yosefardi.biz)