LONDON (Yosefardi) – Based on report released by Bumi Plc, PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk (BRAU) produced 11.5 million tons of coal in first half of this year, grew by 19% from 9.6 million tons in same period of last year, despite lost time due to rain which was 9% higher than plan.

The increase in coal mined is primarily from existing pits. BRAU’s assets are located in the north eastern part of Kalimantan and consist of three operating mines, namely Lati, Binungan and Sambarata.

BRAU’s average selling price for the first half was $61.4 per ton (H1 2012: $76.6 per ton). Production cost of sales at BRAU was $37.1 per ton (H1 2012: $41.1 per ton (restated)). The decrease is mainly due to a reduction in the stripping ratio, reduced hauling distances and lower fuel prices, partly offset by higher transhipment costs.

The average stripping ratio for the period was 8.7 bcm per ton compared to 10.4 bcm per ton for the first half of 2012. The improvements in stripping ratio were mainly at Lati Other, Binungan 7 East, Sambarata B1 and Sambarata B (East and West).

PT Berau is on track to deliver 23 million tonnes for the year. In terms of sales by destination, 32% of sales went to China (including Hong Kong), 27% to India and 26% went to the rest of Asia (including Taiwan and South Korea), with the remaining 15% sold domestically into Indonesia.