SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Ramba Energy Ltd, controlled by Soeryadjaya family, sees potential oil and gas discovery at Akatara-2 well in the Lemang block, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
The Akatara-2 well encountered 20 potential reservoir layers with approximately 800 feet of hydrocarbon column, which includes hydrocarbon shows in the Crystalline Basement.
“The company will make preparation to mobilize a smaller rig for a full comprehensive extended well testing on the Akatara-2 appraisal well and the remaining potential reservoir layers on the Akatara-1 well and Selong-1 discovery wells,” Ramba said Wednesday.
Ramba, through its subsidiary PT Hexindo Gemilang Jaya, holds a 51% working interest in the Lemang production sharing contract.