JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk (TOTO) targets its net profit to grow by 15% this year, compared to Rp235.9 billion in 2012 while revenue is targeted to reach Rp1.7 trillion, compared to Rp1.57 trillion last year.

Hanafi Atmadirdjo, TOTO’s corporate secretary, said the company has increased its selling price for sanitary products by 7% for domestic market and by 5% for export market. While selling price for fitting products have been increased by 5% for domestic market and by 2.5% for export market. While selling price for kitchen products is raised by 10% both for domestic and export markets.

Hanafi said the company also plans to build new factory in East Java, which will produce 500,000 units of sanitary, fitting and kitchen & vanity products.