JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – National media brought to light on Monday (October 14) surrounding the miserable life of Indonesian migrant workers where 7 were shot dead in Malaysia and 265 others facing death sentence treat in various countries.

Koran Tempo, referred to the report from the Indonesian Immigration Attache in Malaysia, reported that seven migrant workers were shot dead by Malaysian police during the past seven days. The seven migrant workers were reportedly shot dead in the two different locations, as they were accusingly involved in a robbery. Those seven died migrant workers are identified as Hendra Razak, Acun Risky Saputra, Muhammad Anuar, Wahyudi, Iknoriansyah, Hery Setiawan, and Hapat.

Kompas, the biggest newspaper in the country, meanwhile, published in their first page about 265 migrant workers who are currently facing death sentence treat in various countries.

Kompas, referred to the data from the Migrant Care, revealed that the 265 migrant workers facing death sentence treat are 213 workers in Malaysia, 33 in Saudi Arabia, 1 in Iran, and 18 in China. According to Executive Director of Migrant Care Anis Hidayah, as quoted by Kompas, the government’s intervention is urgently needed, especially because 17 among 265 workers are already punished with death sentence and could be executed anytime.

The protection on migrant workers is still not an issue here. In fact, the migrant workers contributed a lot to the state through remittances they send home. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)